Premium Quality 2000gsm Twisted Loop Drying Towel


Premium Quality 2000gsm Twisted Loop Drying Towel

We are proud to be the 1st in the UK! to stock this towel, nobody has done a 2000gsm twisted Loop Drying Towel so we are really excited as its premium quality and super absorbant. This towel can easily dry up to 3 vehicles due to the density of the cloth and thickness. Is sixe is managable so you dont have to worry about trying to stop the ends dragging on the ground when doing the sides of the vehicle.

Tested for quality and we can say its one of our best towels and will prove to be very popular!

97 in stock

SKU: 2000gsm Twisted Loop Drying Towel Category:

Premium Quality 2000gsm Twisted Loop Drying Towel

We are proud to be the 1st in the UK! to stock this towel, nobody has done a 2000gsm twisted Loop Drying Towel so we are really excited as its premium quality and super absorbant. This towel can easily dry up to 3 vehicles due to the density of the cloth and thickness. Is size is managable so you dont have to worry about trying to stop the ends dragging on the ground when doing the sides of the vehicle.

  • Tested for quality and we can say its one of our best towels and will prove to be very popular!
  • Washing instructions
  • Machine washable up to 30 degrees (No more) recommended
  • Only use a gel or liquid detergent minimal is required (Never use powder detergents on microfibre products)!
  • Dry in tumble dryer or natrual air dry
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 80 × 50 × 3.5 cm


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